Top 10k strings from Loony Zoo - Intro (1983)(Phipps Associates).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   2 ;"loony zoo"
   1 ;"whilst on a reconnaissance miss-ion on a remote planet far away you are captured by a superior  life form. being interested in  alien races, they put you in oneof their zoos, full of strange  beings."
   1 ;"right  =  7";
   1 ;"left   =  6";
   1 ;"jump   =  m"
   1 ;"controls"
   1 ;"chardata"
   1 ;"Start the tape..."
   1 ;"Press a key"
   1 ;"Loony Zoo"
   1 ;"ANY KEY...":
   1 ;"   press any key to read on
   1 "you find the way to freedom is  through the zoos many cages.    each cage holds the button to   open the door of the next cage. the door then flashes to show   you the way out"
   1 "whilst finding your way around  the cages jumping and walking   you must avoid the aliens in thecages or they will kill you.    if you take too long escaping   from a cage your jailors will   start to chase you making your  escape even harder"
   1 "not wanting to spend the rest ofyour life behind bars you find  ways and means of escape."
   1 "do you want instructions? ";
   1 "chardata"
   1 "Please load LOONYZOO.Z80 !":
   1  stop the tape",
   1  Loony Zoo
   1  By Tony Barber
   1  1983 Phipps Associates